
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Welcome to term 3!

Welcome to term 3!
By now I am hoping that most families will be aware on the Class Dojo page I will be trialling for the remainder of the year. This is a very popular platform worldwide for sharing children's learning with their parents.
There are 2 levels of the application. One where I can share stories with the whole group and one where I can share with just particular children's families.
I hope by using this platform I can provide you with more regular ensights into your child's learning and I can then eliminate using the blog, the Facebook page and eventually class newsletters!
If you have missed the newsletter and instructions to join Dojo please let me know as these were pasted into your child's homework/communication book yesterday.
If you have any questions/comments or concerns please send me a message or an email. I am happy to show you around the site and get you set up if needed.
I would really appreciate it if you can please respond to the email so that I can see who is getting this form of communication. Following the feedback given at Student Led conferences I believe some email addresses that I have must be out of date.
If you still prefer to get paper copies- I will be able to do this for notices only but unfortunately you will not receive the updates and photographs of your child's learning.
Thank you for your support. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Making Ten

Today the children really enjoyed playing this card game. It is a great game to play and it could be some perfect holiday fun. I have included a photo of the rules. The children should be able to explain the rules to you. If your child finds it easy to make 10 try changing the number.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Rich ask Math

This week for rich task maths we were working on a problem which we could use a range of strategies to solve. Some of us used repeated addition while others used their skip counting. One child was also able to use part whole thinking.

The problem the children had to work out was:

Alex went to the zoo and he could see 16 legs. What animals did he see? How many different combinations can you find?

If the children completed this fast they were given new numbers to investigate.

Magic Milk

Today during science we made magic milk. By using food colouring and dish washing liquid we were able to make the milk dance!

The dish washing liquid does not mix with the milk. It floats on top and spreads over the surface. As it spreads, it grabs the food colouring. Soap is a "degreaser" so the molecules in it are attacking the fat in the milk, causing motion which creates the swirling of the colours.

Playing Tiddlywinks

Today we played Tiddlywinks to practice our skip counting. Some of us were using 5 and 10s and others were using 3s and 4s. We sure did get competitive!

Tiddlywinks is a game in which small plastic counters are flicked into a central receptacle by being pressed on the edge with a larger counter.

The children really enjoyed this game. You could try it at home with them! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Independent writing by Jessica

Today during reading rotations Jessica did some independent writing she was really proud of. Here is a little video of her sharing it with us.

Fizzing and Foaming rockets!

Yesterday during science we looked at the reaction between Baking soda and Vinegar. It was great fun hypothesising what might happen.

Our ideas were:

Harry and Dominic- We hope the baking soda and vinegar will rise.

Jessica and Abbey- We think the baking soda and vinegar will mix up and and make something.

Mia and Malachi- We think the baking soda and vinegar will explode!

Corbin- think the baking soda and vinegar will do a tiny pop in the bottle

Flynn- I think think the baking soda and vinegar will make the top pop off

Olivia F and Olivia J- We think the baking soda and vinegar will go sssssssssssssss and explode

Riley and Jesse- We think the baking soda and vinegar will not mix because one is a liquid and one is a solid
Sam and Joe- We think the baking soda and vinegar will bubble and fizz

Lydia and Erin- We think the baking soda and vinegar will change colour and fizz up

Chloe and Abbey- We think the baking soda and vinegar will fizz

Oscar, Daisy and Ashley- We think the baking soda and vinegar will explode in the container

We made mini rockets. First we mixed up a paste of baking soda and water. We added a small scoop onto the lid of an old film canister. Then we added 30mls of vinegar to the canister. We went outside and fixed the lid to the canister. When we turned if over onto its lid we sat back and waited. We didn't need to wait long until they went popping off into the sky! 

Unfortunately the reaction was too quick to capture on camera but we REALLY loved the exploding rockets! 

Excellent Rewards!

It was great to see that some of our students are being recognised in the playground for positive play with their peers! Well done Oscar for gaining a sticker for your Enviro award!

Monday, May 15, 2017

White Elephant Stall- collection happening.

Central Challenge

Forget about cake stalls and Jumble sales- Nelson Central School has come up with a new idea for fundraising that promises to offer exercise, teamwork and a whole lot of fun.
The Central challenge is a Rogaine and Mini Gala. It will be a day packed with family fun, spot prizes, stalls, games and activities. The main event is the first ever Central Challenge Rogaine.
What is a Rogaine? well, (aside from a hair loss remedy) Its a bit like a treasure hunt really:

* Participants get a map and questions.
* Each Question has a number which relates to a point on the map.
* Answers to the questions are revealed at the location marked on the map
* You need to visit the locations and answer as many questions as possible in the time allowed.
* Points are taken off for every minute you go over time and for incorrect answers.
* Some Questions are worth more points, ( depending on how difficult they are to reach)
* The Aim is to find as many answers as you can before time runs out.
There are two courses: one designed for fun with families and younger children and a more challenging course for children over 12 and experienced rogainers.
After the challenge, spot prizes and raffles will be drawn.

The Central Challenge also offers a Mini gala with food stalls, games and activities and a white Elephant stall for bargain hunters.

This is really a fun day out for families and a fun way to raise money: to build a Whare/ shelter for outdoor assemblies as we no longer have a school hall; for digital devices for class rooms and to help Te Pouahi to raise money for the Kapa Haka Nationals.
We really want to invite the whole community along, its not just a school event.

Registration will be on the day from 11am.
Individual entry $5
Family entry $15

Mrs Harrision's Bottles!!

Mrs Harrison’s (Christine’s) Bottles
This stall is being resurrected from the dark ages to be part of the Rogaine and Mini Gala on Sunday 28th May.
This is how it works.
Bottle or jars of new produce are donated. We are looking for maybe jars of small toys, bottles of shampoo, healthy drinks , jars of chutney , hand cream etc.…The healthy possibilities are endless.
After collection all bottles are numbered. On the day the punters buy a numbered ticket. They cannot see the numbers on the bottles. When all tickets are sold the bottles may be collected. Everyone gets to take away something for their money.
Please support our Mini Gala by donating a bottle or jar of new produce. If you buy a ticket you may even get your bottle back!!!!
Tickets will be $2.00.
All donated bottles can be left at your child’s classroom for collection.
Thank you for supporting the last hurrah for Mrs Harrison'

s Bottles
Let’s see if we can get over a hundred bottles.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Money, money money!

This week during rich task maths we have been looking at money! Some of the children had a good understanding of money already which was great to see. We looked at the different coins that we could have if we had $1. It would be great if you can discuss money with your children at home to reinforce the work we are going to be doing this term. Here are some photos of us and our working.

Monday, May 8, 2017

The learning pitt and growth mindset

We have been discussing the learning pitt and having a growth mindset in class. The challenges that your children face on a daily basis as they move through the school can often be very daunting for them.

They often feel like they are the only child who struggles with new learning. It is important that they know that other people feel like this too. These videos are a great conversation starter and reinforce what we have been looking at in class. Take time to watch these with your child and discuss what they see.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 1 Term 2!

Welcome back to Term 2! it was lovely to see everyones well rested faces on Monday. We have a busy term planned and Im looking forward to working with you all to achieve great things.

To start the term we have been recapping what it means to be a good learner and what we can do to help ourselves to be better learners.  Today we discussed what it meant to be in a team and what we could do to be a good team remember. Following this the children were given a bag of equipment. (20 ice block sticks, 12 rubber bands, a cocktail umbrella and a ball of blue tack) The task was to construct the highest tower in a team of 4.  Teams had the chance to gain extra points for their team work. I have completed this task before with a class and it is always amazing to witness unexpected leaders arise from the groups. The highest tower constructed today was 24 cm with the smallest being 9cm. We might revisit this at the end of the term using different equipment.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Rich Task Maths

This week during rich task math we were faced with the word problem.

"Sarah works in a toy shop. She can see 37 wheels. There is a mixture of go carts and tricycles in the shop"
 How many tricycles and how many go carts are there?

The children were able to work this out anyway they wanted to. They used a range of different tools and strategies. Below is a couple of videos of them explaining how they got their answers.